Virginia Gardner

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Murder on the Back Forty

Murder on the Back Forty
Gardening in Central Virginia:

This morning I committed murder - multiple times - before my first cup of coffee.

Our "back forty" is actually about 1/10 of an acre and it is our vegetable garden.  I love it and am very proud of it.  We've built a series of raised beds for everything from asparagus to squash to several types of berries.  This year, I am raising eight varieties of peppers!  But it's the squash that gets me out of the house before coffee....

Gardening in Central VA with Charlottesville Realtor Virginia Gardner 434-981-0871In an effort to thwart squash bugs, which if left unattended, will completely decimate  your squash and cucumber plants, I have developed a morning routine.  Included is a methodical inspection of each leaf of each plants, in search of squash bug eggs.

This morning, I moved to my second squash plant, lifted a large rear leaf and was greeted with one of these guys...  Gardening in Central VA with Charlottesville Realtor Virginia Gardner 434-981-0871

Cicadas -- we've not had them in our trees the way others have, but a few have wandered onto the property, and this one was hiding under a squash leaf and scared the living daylights out of me.  He's now dead.

Gardening in Central VA with Charlottesville Realtor Virginia Gardner 434-981-0871

cucumber beetle

As I worked my way through my plants, I found and murdered five squash bugs and a multitude of cucumber beetles, which we seem to have in far greater numbers than

Gardening in Central VA with Charlottesville Realtor Virginia Gardner 434-981-0871

squash bug

usual...  and I'm not one bit happy about it.



This weekend, I'll be replacing a few plants that are already showing signs of stress from the beetle, and I'll continue my morning routine of murder and mayhem.




Please visit the following for more related information:

Deer and What to do about them in Your Garden

End of Season Gardening in Charlottesville


If you are considering purchasing or selling a home in the Charlottesville area, rely on me to help you put the pieces together.  Virginia Gardner, Roy Wheeler Realty Co., (434) 981-0871 Email Virginia

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