Creating Great Snippets for Posts and More
The first thing to know about writing good snippets for posts is making your keyword phrase straight to the point. The second thing is to make sure your focus keyword phrase is in the meta description. The focus keyword can also be in your URL. (Also, using synonyms for your keyword(s) in your content is another way to help readers along.) This true for making pages as well.
**Of interest to note, Google is now using mobile posts over desk top posts for searching. Therefore, it is now important to keep your desk top-made post or page with mobile abilities in mind.
The Title
You can choose to put the category in your title if you want to.
If you are considering purchasing or selling a home in the Charlottesville area, please allow me the opportunity to help you put the pieces together. Virginia Gardner, Roy Wheeler Realty Co., (434) 981-0871 Email Virginia