Charlottesville Offers Neighborhood Diversity of Lifestyles in Our Area Homes
The following article discusses Charlottesville's diversity of lifestyles in area neighborhood and community housing.
One of the things I hope to accomplish here is to create an overall impression of Charlottesville's variety of housing options available in Charlottesville. While we are in many ways still a very small community, we are forever growing! In addition, we enjoy a wide range of community and neighborhood types of homes. There is something in our area to please everyone.
Are you hoping to find the perfect planned development, with all of the amenities, for your family?
We have a great diversity of communities with pools, tennis courts, soccer fields, just about anything you want. And in all different styles and price ranges.
Perhaps you would rather find an older home with architectural charm and be able to walk to downtown restaurants?
The availability may be less, but it certainly exists and is a wonderful lifestyle for certain people.
Maybe you would like a townhome, condominium, or zero-lot-line sort of community instead? Maybe you are a busy professional who wants or needs to spend less time worrying about your house than traveling and biking and hiking and working. Or perhaps you are hoping to downsize and would love for someone else to take care of the exterior maintenance of your home from now on. There are all sorts of option available.
Or, maybe you want to live in a more rural environment, have a little more breathing (growing) room.
This is probably our largest segment of the market, since its only been in the past thirty years that planned developments have come to Charlottesville. This rural-area lifestyle is the one my husband and I have chosen. We live in Earlysville, with gardens and big dogs, and our daily walks afford us this view.
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Everyone has their own idea of the kind of neighborhood and community that is right for them and for their family. Whats yours?
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If you are considering purchasing or selling a home in the Charlottesville area, rely on me to help you put the pieces together. Virginia Gardner, Roy Wheeler Realty Co., (434) 981-0871 Email Virginia