Virginia Gardner

VA Loans And Down Payments

Why Put More Down

Smiling man standing with arms crossed thinking about choices for making a down payment on a new home

Options for Making a Down Payment on a New Home

The least amount in a down payment is an attractive option when people are thinking of buying a home. A common reason is to have cash available for furnishing the new home and possible unexpected [...]

Why Put More Down

Smiling man standing with arms crossed thinking about choices for making a down payment on a new home

Options for Making a Down Payment on a New Home

The least amount in a down payment is an attractive option when people are thinking of buying a home. A common reason is to have cash available for furnishing the new home and possible unexpected [...]

Why Put More Down

Smiling man standing with arms crossed thinking about choices for making a down payment on a new home

Options for Making a Down Payment on a New Home

The least amount in a down payment is an attractive option when people are thinking of buying a home. A common reason is to have cash available for furnishing the new home and possible unexpected [...]