Virginia Gardner

Vegetable Gardening In Charlottesville

Preparing the Charlottesville Vegetable Garden for Winter

vegetable gardening in charlottesville va

Some Thoughts about Preparing the Charlottesville Vegetable for Winter

This was my vegetable garden mid-summer...

At this point, the asparagus were finished, the cukes were coming in, I had a late crop of tomatoes (though my husband got his 25 plants in on time in another part of the property), the sweet potatoes were flourishing, the herbs [...]

Preparing the Charlottesville Vegetable Garden for Winter

vegetable gardening in charlottesville va

Some Thoughts about Preparing the Charlottesville Vegetable for Winter

This was my vegetable garden mid-summer...

At this point, the asparagus were finished, the cukes were coming in, I had a late crop of tomatoes (though my husband got his 25 plants in on time in another part of the property), the sweet potatoes were flourishing, the herbs [...]

How to have a vegetable garden when the light is all wrong in your back yard.

virginia gardner, real estate agent, charlottesville

Yes, you can still have a vegetable garden when the light is all wrong in your back yard. Plant in the front yard! You may be thinking that a front yard vegetable garden will be unsightly, or perhaps you live with a Homeowners Association which prohibits vegetable gardens in the front yard. Trust me, you can make it happen, and it can be [...]

How to have a vegetable garden when the light is all wrong in your back yard.

virginia gardner, real estate agent, charlottesville

Yes, you can still have a vegetable garden when the light is all wrong in your back yard. Plant in the front yard! You may be thinking that a front yard vegetable garden will be unsightly, or perhaps you live with a Homeowners Association which prohibits vegetable gardens in the front yard. Trust me, you can make it happen, and it can be [...]

Murder on the Back Forty

Gardening in Central VA with Charlottesville Realtor Virginia Gardner 434-981-0871

Murder on the Back Forty
Gardening in Central Virginia:

This morning I committed murder - multiple times - before my first cup of coffee.

Our "back forty" is actually about 1/10 of an acre and it is our vegetable garden.  I love it and am very proud of it.  We've built a series of raised beds for everything from asparagus to squash to [...]