About The Cvillepedia Project
Information about The Cvillepedia Project and why it is historically important to the Earlysville VA area.
You’ve heard of Wikipedia, and now, we have Cvillepedia, described on the Cvillepedia site as:
Cvillepedia is a wiki dedicated to sharing and building community knowledge and history about the people, places, and events in Charlottesville and Albemarle County. It is built with the same software as Wikipedia and is a free, public, collaborative encyclopedia that anyone can edit and improve. Cvillepedia is a volunteer run project with hosting provided by Charlottesville Tomorrow.
Why is Cvillepedia important and what does it have to do with Earlysville?
History gets lost, and its terribly important that we keep our stories, our history. Cvillepedia is an electronic encyclopedia of Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville that is created by us. Anyone who wishes to tell the story may do so. All of us, any of us. There are rules, of course. The story needs to be verifiable.
When I’ve spent time in the Albemarle Historical Society, I have found researching material cumbersome. If only we could somehow gather those materials and create as full and complete picture of Earlysville as possible, we can save this history. I am interested in helping to make this happen, and it will require the work of many hands. Many hands who enjoy history, who have an interest in learning about their home, and who would like to have some fun in the process.
I’m new to this, so I’m just learning. I’m not asking for a commitment from anyone yet, but if you are interested in knowing about what we are doing with Cvillepedia in general and with regard to Earlysville specifically, CONTACT ME.
For more detailed information about Cvillepedia, there’s a great deal
of information available on the site (of course).
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