Think like A Potential Buyer Before Putting Your Home on the Market
The very first thing to consider when you are planning on selling your Earlysville home in today's market is: Look through the Buyer's eyes!
Have you been considering selling your home in Earlysville? I honestly believe 2020 will be a pivotal year... Home Buyers are back in the market. If you've put off selling, waiting for the market to re-arrive, now is an excellent time to get serious!
What will buyers be looking for in 2020?
Buyers are always for bargains, and there will still be some foreclosures, but big bargains are now behind us. That's not to say buyers won't get some good "buys", but they will not necessarily be considered bargains -- they will be priced right for the advancing market.
Buyers will be looking for properties in good condition, that are clutter-free, with fresh paint and spruced up.
It's not always easy for home sellers to look at their home - REALLY look at their home - the way a buyer would, but it's one of the most important things you can do! Why? It's highly possible that you've grown accustomed to your home's idiosyncrasies and flaws. It may be so much so that you now compensate for them or maybe don't see them at all! They are so easy for us to ignore.
Here's a tip for sellers...
Take a few pictures of each room of your house, from several angles. And don't forget the closets, garage and basement - these are selling features of your home too. Don't avoid a space because you know it will look bad... take all of the photographs, and study them. If you were a buyer looking at these photos, would you be impressed? Are these the photographs you want posted on the MLS and on other real estate websites? Please note that at least 80% of buyers start their home search on-line!
If you find the process of looking at your own home through "buyers' eyes" difficult, let me assure you that other sellers have a hard time, too. Make a list of items you think should be changed or made better, from the front entrance to the back door and every place in between. Allow yourself a couple of days for this part, because it can become overwhelming. Then begin prioritizing. This is a good time to call in a friend, or better yet, a Realtor. Let this person view your list. Once you have this first "to-do" list, you'll find the actual process of preparing your home for sale much more manageable.
Visit here more insightful and useful articles about: SELLING YOUR HOME
REMEMBER You don t have to go it alone. Lets talk about what things can be done for little or no money, and which repair and maintenance items will be required to get your house sold for the most money.
Please visit here to see all: Earlysville Homes for Sale ...always current!
If you are considering purchasing or selling a home in the Earlysville area, rely on me to help you put the pieces together. Virginia Gardner, Roy Wheeler Realty Co., (434) 981-0871 Email Virginia</